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The Word 
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105 KJV


When we think of the Bible, most see a black book filled with hundreds of white pages and  thousands of black letters written amongst the pages that makeup a book that some love and some hate. Some know of This book and others are ignorant to This book. They say never judge a book by its cover, however if we take a minute to observe what we see on the cover of this black and white book, we will also see 5 gold letters: B.I.B.L.E.
To some its just a title or a name but if you only knew that behind ever title their is purpose and behind every purpose their is a name who executed their will. 
Title: Bible 
Purpose: Basic. Instructions. Before. Leaving. Earth.
Name: God 
God developed this text by placing His authority and The Holy Spirit within every chosen man that He selected to instruct man for the generations to come 

God is omniscient- He knows everything. 
God is omnipresent- He is everywhere, at all times.
God is omnipotent- He is all powerful. 


Can I submit to you that..?

If God is an Omni-God, all of those attributes in one; then what is restricting you from settling in His Word?

Developed by Agape Natural Personal Care Concoctions & Wellness Remedies| 2018

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